måndag 30 oktober 2017

Nordisk ALBA-vecka på Kreta, 26/4-2/5 218

Foto: Maria Serrano
Nordisk Alba inbjuder till en medlemsträff i den lilla byn Amari på Kreta april-maj i samarbete med Friends of Amari. En vecka med grekiska myter, nordiska workshops, samvaro och god mat.

This is an event, for members of Alba Sverige, Alba Norge, Alba Danmark and Alba SuomiFinland. Information has been sent out by email.

Nordic Alba has the pleasure to invite you to a storytelling week in Crete in cooperation with Friends of Amari, a get together for members of all Nordic ALBA associations. Our hostess Stella Kassimati will share her love for Greek mythology with us in the mornings, in the afternoons there will be workshops run by each Nordic ALBA.Excursions included.

Datum: 26/4-2/5, 2018
Plats: Kreta
Värd: ALBA Finland
Anmälan: SNARAST!

Mer information via: albasuomifinland@gmail.com
Se även Facebook-eventet: HÄR!

Om Friends of Amari: Se här.

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